When you are moving to a new home, it’s a complicated process. There are many things that must be taken care of outside of the actual day that you move. Every aspect of your life has been uprooted and transplanted somewhere else. This means that you will have a list of things that need to be done far beyond moving day. Good Time Moving & Storage is here to share a list of things that you will need to do once moving day has come and gone.
Unpack Boxes & Organize After Moving
This is no surprise, but you will be unpacking boxes for a while once you have them all moved into your new home. This is a process as you try and decide where you would like your belongings to be placed in your new home. Take your time and keep things organized so you don’t find yourself overwhelmed as you try and find your things after hastily putting them here and there.
Moving Change of Address
You will need to let the post office know that you are at a new address. When you have your mailing address changed with USPS, you will continue to receive forwarded mail to your new address even when the letter is sent to the old address for one year. This will give you ample time to let all of the different companies and businesses know that your address has changed.
Moving a Child to a Different School
If you have school-aged children, you will need to figure out what school they will be attending. This was something that you probably looked into before you moved as it is usually a big deal for many parents. Nonetheless, you will need to register your kids at their new school/s so that they can continue their education as needs be. If you are moving during the summer, you will have time to get this done. When you are moving during the school year, you need to move a little faster to get this done.
Switch Medical Providers
This can seem like a daunting task as finding a doctor that you like can be difficult. As you get to know people in your new neighborhood, you can ask for recommendations for a new healthcare provider for your family. If you have pets, you will also want to look into finding a veterinarian for your furry family members.
Register Your Vehicle & Get Driver’s License with New Address
If you have moved across state lines, you will need to get your vehicle registered in your new state and get a new driver’s license. All you need to do is find your local DMV and get the ball rolling. Once you have that figured out, this is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is dedicate the time as lines can be long at the DMV.
Local & Long Distance Residential & Commercial Moving & More in Antioch, Gallatin, Murfreesboro, Goodletsville, Brentwood, Franklin, Hendersonville, Clarksville, Old Hickory & Greater Nashville, Tennessee
There are many aspects of moving that are stressful. Let Good Time Moving & Storage handle the moving part so you can focus on everything else. Call us today!